Amity Masonic Lodge No. 4 F.& A.M.
175 Main St., Silver City, NV 89428
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 11332, Reno, NV. 89510-1332

Q: | |
What is a Freemason |
A: | |
- Masonry is a serious men’s organization, dedicated to self- improvement coupled with community involvement.
- Masonry is provider of camaraderie, trust in each other,
instant fellowship, and brotherhood.
- Masonry brings together a group of people who emphasize
individual excellence.
- Masonry is a provider of an atmosphere of inclusiveness.
- Masonry is an organization that helps make good men better.
Q: | |
What is Freemasonry |
A: | |
A fellowship or fraternity of such men devoted to freemasonry ideals.
Q: | |
What are the ideals and teachings of Freemasonry |
A: | |
All such truths, ideals, and realities that describe, interpret, uphold, satisfy and foster freemasonry morals and what we stand for.
Q: | |
What is the purpose of Freemasonry |
A: | |
To find such men (or, have them find us), to assist in the development and growth of such men, and bring them together into a fraternity meant to help others in our society.
Q: | |
What are the qualifications to join |
A: | |
- You must have a belief in a supreme being.
- You must be a man 18 years old or older.
- You must be in "good" physical and mental health.
- You must be of good moral character (honesty, honor, and integrity).
- You must be a free man (carried forward from ancient times).
- You must want to grow, improve yourself, and be of help to others.
- You must ask to join and apply for membership.
Q: | |
What is Freemasonry's role in Society |
A: | |
- Building community based on shared Masonic values.
- Constructing a positive environment for personal growth.
- Encouraging education, idea sharing, and open discussion.
- Welcoming diversity across religious denominations, ethnicity and age.
- Growing Leadership ability.
- Establishing the relevance of Masonic values to contemporary life.
- Advocating concern for the well being of other Masons and their families, as well as, the community as a whole.
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