Welcome to the  Amity Lodge #4, F. & A. M. website........Meetings are held the First Thursday of each Month from January to June and from September to December with Dinner at 6:00 PM, followed by Stated Meetings at 7:00 P.M.
Amity Masonic Lodge No. 4 F.& A.M.
175 Main St., Silver City, NV 89428
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 11332, Reno, NV. 89510-1332


For more information about Amity Lodge #4, please feel free to contact one of the Officers listed, or email: secofamity4@gmail.com

Amity Lodge #4 Regular Communication will be Thursday the 7th of November 2024. Dinner at 6:00 PM, followed by Lodge Opening at 7:00 PM.

Please view "Lodge Activities" TAB for other upcoming Lodge Events.

Minutes of latest Lodge Communication can be viewed at "Secretary's Memo" TAB.

     He is a man who is earnestly striving to become a better man.
     He recognizes the good that resides in the heart of every brother.  He knows that the faults he sees in others reflect his own imperfection, and he does not set himself up as a judge of his brothers.
     The Mason is one who has learned of life’s struggles, of its difficult paths, its disappointments, the price of holding fast to one’s integrity, and yet maintains faith in the ultimate triumph of Good over Evil.
     The Mason is a man of generous heart, mind and hand.  He looks upon the opportunity to serve humanity as a joyous privilege.
     The Mason is a man who demonstrates his love of country by being a good citizen, by obeying the law of the land, by being true to his country’s ideals, and by his undying devotion and loyalty, both in time of peace and of war.
     The Mason is a man who, by his acts and deeds, reveals his unswerving trust in the Infinite, Wisdom, Justice and Mercy of his Creator.
     The Mason is one who maintains a stubborn attachment to duty, and is unyielding in his unceasing efforts to make a better society by making himself a better individual.
AUTHOR:  Dewey H. Wollstein

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